Is furniture just about function?

This is a question that I enjoy asking myself often, and I would encourage you to think about also.

First and formost furniture has to perform a function, on that I am sure we agree. If it is a chair, it has to be comfortable. If it’s a chest of drawers then you need to be able to fit your clothes in it. But many times that is pretty much where the conversation ends.

If the furniture you are buying is mass made in a factory, then all you can really do is try to get somwhere near the dimensions you want, and if you are really lucky you might like the colour that it comes in, or maybe the style.

Once you get the piece into your home, it hopefully performs its function, and you never think about it again.

However, what I am advocating is that it does not need to stop there, that furniture can do far more than hold your items. It can bring joy into your home. It can be an object of beauty, that you actually enjoy using. Either because the drawers just work perfectly, or because the curve of the seat suits you just right. The pieces in my home make me smile when I see them, and they add that magic final touch to the room. When friends and family come to visit, they are always the talking pieces. People can’t help but run their hand over them and remark on how nice they look and how they feel to the touch.

I believe that furniture should provoke emotions in us. Almost every minute of our lives we are interacting with furniture be it working on a desk, taking jewellery out of a drawer, turning on a lamp or having a coffee in bed. We deserve to be surrounded by wonderful things. Through individual makers and designers such as myself, we present to you the ability to enrichen all of those moments. You don’t have to have boring, forgettable furniture. Send me a message and lets make something beautiful.